"Bushcraft" the curiously titled collection of Survival skills, Primitive technology, Natural knowledge, Experimental archeology and ecological living, made popular by a number of famous individuals around the world.
Red Dragon Bushcraft offers courses and bespoke tuition in Bushcraft, Primitive Living Skills and Survival Techniques. Customers are guaranteed a bespoke service tailored to meet their specific requirements.
Based on the edge of the Cambrian Mountains, in the village of Llanidloes, I have access to wild areas where we can re-learn the skills of our ancestors.
I love to see the delight on the faces of people who have created their first hand carved spoon or friction fire ember from materials they have found themselves in the woodland and hedgerows. We consider so many gadgets to be necessary for our camping comfort, so it is nice to be able to make some of these yourself from natural materials.
It is both very empowering and somewhat humbling to reaffirm the connection with Mother Nature, the most powerful force we know.
Why not join me to take the first steps on your own journey of ancient discovery?
Breathe a little life into your fire
& a little fire into your life..